I had some more bleeding this weekend, but it appeared to be "old" blood, as the doctor described it. I was still nauseous, hungry and tired, but my doctor said that even if I had miscarried, my body may still think it was pregnant, so she really wanted to do another ultrasound. We went in this morning, and I'll be honest, I was expecting the worst.
I can't wait until I can have ultrasounds done the regular way... Anyway, we saw a sac, but it looked empty. I just knew something had happened. But, no, the baby was tucked in the end. But, was there a heartbeat? I was sure there wasn't. But, there was a heartbeat and it was a good one. I was shocked.
She did see some blood on the ultrasound, but it was near the cervix and it didn't appear to be actively bleeding. She said that it could have been from the sonogram/pelvic exam or from implantation. I might see some more bleeding, so I'm going to try not to freak out.
She said the cervix is very vascular, especially during pregnancy. I'm wondering if the aspirin that I'm taking caused more bleeding than I normally would have seen. That's what I'm hoping anyway.
I'm not counting chickens yet, of course, but I'm glad we got good news. 8 weeks, 1 day, so we're still right on target. The picture above is from my phone, so it isn't very good, but the baby is so much more defined this week. You can see the head and appendages of some sort. So...yay. :)
I'm hoping this news can help us get through the next 3 weeks, which are bound to be the roughest. This past weekend was real bad. Tensions are high, I didn't feel well, I'm not finding a job and the house is mess because I didn't want to do anything that would make the bleeding worse. (By the way, if anyone knows of a part-time job where I'd be sitting most of the time, let me know. :) Roy works hard and comes home to do everything and then work on the business, too. Audrey and I have been suffering from serious cabin fever because I didn't want to chase her around the park or go for a walk. She's been talking back a lot and refuses to pick up her toys and calls us "mean" when she doesn't get her way. So, all in all, home has not been fun lately. Ernest the kitten provides some lighter moments when she isn't being abused by the child. We're certainly looking forward to Halloween. And, that's about it....